We have two litters of puppies!!
Harley had 8 puppies! They were born July 28th and will be ready for their new homes September 22. She had 4 females and 4 males. Although a few have been spoken for already, I do still have both males and females available. Contact me as soon as possible if you are interested in loving one of my puppies.
And, Remi had two puppies!!
Remi had two male puppies born August 14th. They are doing great and are chubby little guys. They will be able to go to their homes October 9th. Contact me with any questions or interest in any of these puppies. I would be glad to answer anything. Here is a sneak peek of these big little guys.
Our puppies will have had a deworming schedule started, first shots, microchipped and vet checked before they go to their new homes. They come from parents that have been health tested and are members of our family. Each puppy will have been raised with all the love they can get. They are started with house training with not only puppy pads but will also be able to use a doggie door before they go to new homes. All our puppies will have AKC registration papers, health record, microchip registration, small bag of puppy food, bottled water and puppy pads for the trip home. They all get their own Snuggle Puppy with their litter mates smell to help with the transition away from their siblings. All this is put into a handmade bag.
So, feel free to contact me with any questions or come out to see us. I am more than happy to help in any way I can. I have also added a link to the contract that will need to be signed before taking your puppy home. Look it over and contact me with any questions.
Thank you for your interest in our beautiful puppies.
My dogs are tested for DM and have hips and elbows evaluated.
I am also a member of the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Northeastern Illinois, AKC and Berner-Garde.
Our puppies are raised in rural central Illinois with plenty of room to run and play. Beth makes sure they are very socialized as well. They all are vet checked, dewormed, dew claws removed, first shots given and microchipped before going to their new home. They are AKC registered and come with all the paperwork needed. I give a one year health guarantee for anything genetic that may arise. I am also available for the life of the puppy to answer any questions or help in any way.